Elizabeth A. Sullivan

Elizabeth A. Sullivan was a professional ballerina with the Cleveland/San Jose and Boston Ballet companies. After earning a BA at Dartmouth College and an MA at Columbia University, Elizabeth returned to dance in her current capacity as a wellness coach, consultant, and teacher.

Since 2011, she has taught workshops and seminars in the School of American Ballet, The Juilliard School, Ellison Ballet, the Boston Ballet School, Cary Ballet, Greenwich Ballet Academy, and the Kansas City Ballet School, among others.

Elizabeth coaches young dancers and their parents in her private practice, helping them navigate the ins and outs of the dance world. Her dancers have trained at elite schools like the Royal Ballet and the English National Ballet Schools in London, San Francisco Ballet School, School of American Ballet, and the JKO School at American Ballet Theatre; they have won medals at Youth America Grand Prix, Prix de Lausanne, been invited to compete at IBC Jackson and Varna, and received job offers from major world companies like American Ballet Theatre, the English National Ballet, and Dutch National Ballet.

She is a certified Wellness Coach through the American College of Sports Medicine and Wellcoaches School of Coaching, as well as the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in NYC. For consultations or to enroll in her group or private coaching programs.


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